Wednesday, September 11, 2024



Saw this around and about and so much wanted it to be real - to be an actual existing, gigging tribute band - that I have not done due diligence, in terms of checking it is not just an AI whimsy. 

If it is real, then is this the birth of a new genre of tribute group - the hybrid tribute band? 

Any other known examples of this kind of retro mash-up?


I liked Sigue for the duration of that first single. 

But then it quickly got tragic


Ed said...

Not exactly a mash-up of two bands, but a cross-genre blend: Dread Zeppelin have been around since the 90s, I think.

Ed said...

And there's Gabba: an Abba / Ramones crossover. Not great, TBH:

Ed said...

Possibly more fun live:

Stylo said...

There must be a million Elvis impersonators with such a shtick. And every one of those must be an embarrassment.

Stylo said...

Perhaps stretching the parameters, but there's this dub version of Dark Side of the Moon:

Stylo said... Completely unconnected, but this surely combines the worst of music and the worst of comedy, and somehow this was primetime Saturday BBC1 in the late 90s.

Ed said...

Amazing! I never knew this existed. Jim Davidson + ELP is one of those combinations that I would never have thought of in a million years, but somehow makes perfect sense. Like cooked ham in Coca-Cola.

Stylo said...

Jim Davidson's a HUGE fan of ELP. When he was on Room 101, he submitted Motown as one of his pet hates, declaring that Motown was just women's music, and ELP were the greatest band he's ever heard. The surprising thing is that the twat was on Room 101 in the first place.

Stylo said... Carl Palmer on Jim Davidson's Generation Game.

That is, just Carl Palmer, on his own, doing a drum solo.