Complex's Michael Thomsen on the erosion of time -- the demarcation between work and leisure, short-term memory, the weight and thickness of experience itself - under the regime of digital capitalism:
"The idea of free time has been losing its meaning in the
Internet era. We end up idling with the same computers we once used to
be productive and make money, and the convergence has made it
increasingly difficult to be genuinely non-productive.... the average daily person
spent 100 minutes relaxing online, about a third of the five hours of
free time most people have.... As our leisure time becomes less physically social, it
becomes more focused on seeking and discovering, driven by an ironic
sense of absence..... The feeling of being enmeshed in an aura of
perpetually unfulfilled possibility emanating from one’s laptop screen
is quickly becoming one of the hallmarks of our time and place, chasing
after random story threads and trivial curiosities that wipe one’s
memory clean for a few minutes or hours.
"An increasingly large percentage of the content in
these channels is an abstract form of productivity that has wormed its
way into our leisure... These points of overlap where work and relaxation seem
to become dopplegangers are not just signs of an increasing leisure
culture, but affects of a society that has made work so pervasive it
sometimes feels impossible to tell when one is and isn’t working. Even
when we’re not working our brains are looking for ways that we could be,
in which light the Internet is what we have built for ourselves to
drain that need."
Thomsen concedes that in the analogue era there was arguably just as much frittering away of time through purposeless idling (gawping at shit TV, daydreaming, doodling, puzzles, etc). But I think it was a different kind of vacancy, precisely because less purposive - pseudo-purposive, quasi-productive -- than the searching/liking/interacting/commenting/cut+pasting modes of web life. A form of idling and squandering of time that was more conducive to creativity, in so far as in those voids, ideas would generate. At very least it was genuinely relaxing, real down time.
See also: Mark Fisher's essay on time wars and that "strange kind of existential state, in which exhaustion bleeds into
insomniac overstimulation (no matter how tired we are, there is still
time for one more click) and enjoyment and anxiety co-exist (the urge to
check emails, for instance, is both something we must do for work and a
libidinal compulsion, a psychoanalytic drive that is never satisfied no
matter how many messages we receive). The fact that the smart phone
makes cyberspace available practically anywhere at anytime means that
boredom (or at least the old style, ‘Fordist’ boredom) has effectively
been eliminated from social life. Yet boredom, like death, posed
existential challenges that are far more easily deferred in the
always-on cyberspatial environment. Ultimately, communicative capitalism
does not vanquish boredom so much as it “sublates” it, seeming to
destroy it only to preserve it in a new synthesis.... We are bored even as we are fascinated, and
the limitless distraction allows us to evade confronting death – even as
death is closing in on us."