Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Some months ago I had a very enjoyable conversation with Lisa Hix from Collectors Weekly about retro aesthetics, vintage, collecting, et cetera - it is now up on their website, with some nice illustrations


  1. manned space travel is rightfully retro, I´ve read in serious sources the advantages of unmanned vehicles versus risks/costs/plain unworkability of future manned space exploration makes thinking in it basically an excercise in nostalgia. Sad but true

  2. Can I throw an idea at you. In homage to the Brazilian Abravanista and Anthropophagic movements, I'd like to suggest "Retrophagy". That's the deliberate eating, rumination, re-combination and regurgitation of the past in order to create the new. Consequently, it's the positive counterpoint to the decadence of Retromania.

  3. retrophagy

    like the concept, but as a word it looks and sounds orrible!

  4. Heh, I'll keep working on it. I for one, welcome the RetrophagĂ­sta
